The Top 10 Professional Services Firms on Social Media

Professional services and social media may not seem natural bedfellows in the eyes of many. The Big 4 and consulting giants like McKinsey and Bain & Co. deal in complex business issues and provide strategic insights that don’t always lend themselves easily to the fast-moving, short-form world of social.

In our latest report, we used Talkwalker social media analytics to try and understand how professional services firms and management consultants are using social media and which firms are using it most effectively.

Here are a few of highlights from the report.

McKinsey - Insightful Infographics Tackling Big Issues

McKinsey were one of the top performers on Twitter using insightful infographics like the tweet above to draw in their audience.  The U.S. consulting powerhouse also placed a strong focus on gender equality in the workplace and used Twitter to promote their research on this issue. The result? McKinsey received 78 retweets per post, the most engagement per tweet of any of the companies examined.

KPMG – Proactive Social Media Video Specialists

KPMG were the most active professional services firm on Facebook, posting just over 1.5 times per day on the world’s largest social network. What particularly stood out, however, was their use of video. 34% of KPMG’s posts featured video content, mostly in the format of an interview with KMPG’s senior personnel. Although the videos didn’t necessarily drive large numbers of likes and shares, they received several thousand views, highlighting the reach that Facebook videos have.

Professional Services Lagging Behind on Social Media

Although professional services firms are active users of social media with each firm monitored having multiple Twitter accounts and a Facebook page, the overall engagement they receive lags behind other sectors. This is to be expected in comparison to more consumer focused industries such as fashion or food, but even in comparison to B2B software giants the top professional services firms struggled to keep pace with the likes of IBM and Salesforce on social.

To learn more about how professional services firms are using social and to understand what works when it comes to making complex business insights social friendly, read out latest report: “The Social Media Audit: Ranking the 10 Largest Professional Services Firms on Social Media”.


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