16 top Competitor Analysis Tools

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Are you lagging behind your competitors? Frantically trying to achieve the same success rate?

Competitor analysis tools will help you track, analyze, and learn from your competitors' strategies. Then, you can use that information to fire up your marketing campaigns and win!

There are hundreds of competitor analysis tools to choose from. Knowing which is going to work best for you and your brand, can be a pain.

No problem, we’ve got you covered. We've done all the research for you and listed our top 15 to help you choose a data analysis tool.

Our personal favorite is Quick Search. It has the numerous features of the other tools, in one package. 

Competitor analysis tools - audience interests by topic widgetCoca-Cola vs RedBull - compare audience interests. Talkwalker Quick Search

Keep reading for more information. We're giving you the what and why, then the tools. Focused on ease of use and a deep dive into the key features.

What is competitor analysis?

Competitor analysis is about identifying and evaluating your industry competition. Their strengths and weaknesses. How they compare to your business.

What level of brand awareness do your competitors have in your market? More or less than your brand? Find their prices, earnings reports, share prices, customer care best practices, company culture, distribution, and a whole lot more.

Use these insights to fine-tune your brand's marketing strategy. To outsmart your competitors.

If you'd like more info, I suggest you read How to conduct a competitor analysis. Recommended by experts, it's a comprehensive guide explaining the what, why, and how of competitor analysis.

Why do competitor tracking?

We’ve already said that you'll be able to boost your own marketing strategy. You'll also find openings in the market that competitors have missed. You'll find new opportunities that are proving successful to your competitors, that you've missed. For instance, countries you should be targeting that are working for them.

Best competitor analysis tools

Using competitor analysis tools – software or apps - will help you find information about your competition’s marketing strategies. And uncover the secrets to their success within your shared market. Competitor analysis tools like the 15 below will save you time while identifying data you may normally miss.

While these tools will help you understand your competitors, they’ll also monitor your web performance. To find the data on your company that you need to improve.

1. Quick Search

Talkwalker's powerful social media search engine - Quick Search - gives you an instant overview of your brand online. Bringing together data integrations from social networks, news sites, blogs, and forums. You’ll be able to monitor the conversations surrounding your brand, your influencers, and your industry trends.

Working in real-time, you can enter multiple brands - your competitors - and compare sentiment, with 90% accuracy. Also, discover target audience demographics, gender, location, mentions, and more. Using filters, you can dig deep into trends and topics and find currently impacting stories.

Analysis tools competitor analysis - use Quick Search to quickly compare up to 5 brands

Enter the brands you want to compare, for instant insights. Talkwalker Quick Search

It’s quick, easy, and user-friendly. You’ll know how your competitors are performing. Areas you're missing out on. Ideas for content creation or content strategy that are going to resonate with consumers.

Quick Search is part of Talkwalker Social Listening, which offers a wide range of data analysis capabilities. You can also create reports and dashboards, to help visualize and share insights across your team.

Competitor analysis tools - Quick search dashboard  Compare the share of countries by brand. Talkwalker Quick Search

2. Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker is a keyword research tool in the SEO PowerSuite all-in-one pack. The app provides specialized functionality, from keyword research to rank monitoring. 

When it comes to competitor research, Rank Tracker is your go-to tool in SEO PowerSuite. Its features can help you enhance your SEO strategy, giving you the confidence to stay ahead. 

Rank Tracker will help you:

  • Discover your SERP competitors based on your target keywords or just by entering any URL
  • View competitors' traffic and keyword data (key phrases that competitors are ranking for)
  • Find the best content pages of the competing domains sorted by traffic and backlinks
Rank Tracker Header

Make sure to check the Keyword Difficulty metric in Rank Tracker when running your competitor analysis. It will show how hard it will be to rank for a specific keyword based on the top-ranking competitors.

When you finalize your keyword list, you can start monitoring competitors' keyword ranking process alongside your site's SERP results.

You can download Rank Tracker and use most of its features for free, but if you need to store the project data, SEO PowerSuite provides paid plans starting from $299/year.

3. SE Ranking

SE Ranking is an all-in-one SEO software that manages SEO and marketing data in one place. The tool delivers comprehensive insights into a website's on-page SEO performance. It also has dedicated tools for keyword research, backlink monitoring, content, competitor analysis, marketing strategy planning, and more.

The competitor analysis toolkit provides an in-depth examination of competitors' websites. Including a view of their organic and paid efforts. The primary features of SE Ranking's competitor analysis tool include the following:

  • A dynamic overview of competitors' paid and organic traffic, covering monthly click estimates, top keywords, and traffic cost;
  • Hands-on data on opponents' keywords with rankings, up-to-date keyword stats, keyword difficulty, search volume, and CPC;
  • A complete summary of competitors' backlink profiles, including the backlink quality, list of domains, backlinking gaps, and monthly overview;
  • In-depth research on competitors' most well-performing ads with monthly ad history and Google Ads campaigns' breakdown;
  • Multiple competitor comparison features to better understand traffic distribution, detect new competitors, and spot keyword overlaps and gaps.

SE Ranking dashboard example Advanced SEO toolkit with in-depth competitive research and keyword tracking

Three pricing plans are available:

  • Essential for freelancers and newcomers,
  • Pro for small teams and agencies,
  • Business for mid-sized enterprises.

There is also an option to request a custom pricing plan.

4. Wappalyzer

This add-on is an interesting competitor analysis tool because of how it operates. It runs as a Firefox add-on and only does one thing. But boy oh boy, does it do that one thing well.

Wappalyzer is a cross-platform utility used to reveal what technologies different websites use. Wappalyzer is a browser add-on that can identify the types of software running on a specific website.

You can click on your competition’s websites and get a quick scan of what software they’re using.

This is an essential tool for understanding the success behind your competitors’ websites. Yes, a skilled web service company could hide this information. But, it’s more likely that your competitors haven't paid for this.

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Competitor research tool revealing what tech The New York Times website uses. 

5. BuiltWith

BuiltWith is a business intelligence and competitive analysis tool. It provides profiles of websites, lead generation, sales and business intelligence, eCommerce data points, and competitive analysis.

Using BuiltWith in your competitive analysis will identify key market segments that your brand may be missing out on. Track your competitors and build a list of prospects.

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Web technology information profiler tool that will identify competitors and prospects.

You can track data for different market segments and find usage trends and market share information. Alongside insights about competing technologies and how they're performing. Competitor comparison means you can find:

  • If a technology is gaining or losing market share
  • If a technology's competitors are increasing market share at a faster rate
  • The rate of churn between technology competitors
  • Sites that shifted from one competitor to another

The neat thing about BuiltWith is that it offers a free plan to use for individual site lookups. You only pay for what you use.

6. WooRank      

WooRank is an SEO checker and digital marketing tool. It'll scan your website and give you an audit of its SEO. It’s in this list of competitor analysis tools as you can look at your competition too.

The tool allows you to add three competitors, so you can perform a comparison of:

  • Technical SEO
  • Site performance and usability
  • Keyword usage
  • Backlink quality
  • Social media engagement

WooRank's Keyword Tool measures and tracks keyword rankings and SEO impact. By automatically adding competitors you gain insights into their marketing efforts, goals, and priorities. Not only does it monitor your website's SEO performance, but the keyword ranking and landing pages of your competitors.

You can sign up for a 14-day free trial. If you're happy to pay, various price plans won't break the bank.  And you could see your website outranking those of your competitors and increasing traffic.

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Keyword Tool is WooRank's keyword research, tracking, and competitor analysis tool.

7. Google AdWords Keyword Planner

The tool is for finding new keywords. With it, you can search your competitors' sites and the web for keywords that apply to your business and target market. It's a great tool for staying on top of keyword trends. To refine search campaigns and ensure that your content is relevant.

Competitor analysis tools - Google AdWords screenshot

Enter a competitor landing page and Keyword Planner will ascertain relevant keywords.

8. SEMrush

This is the ultimate competitor analysis tool. It’s an all-in-one digital marketing suite that covers SEO, PPC, keyword research, competitive analysis, and more. The SEMrush software contains over 54 tools with the ability to analyze over 25 billion keywords.

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SEMrush offers SEO audits, position tracking, competitive intelligence, and more.

You can build your own toolkit and choose the ones that make the most sense for your projects. There are specialty kits for SEO, advertising, social media, content marketing, and competitive research.

Features particular to competitor analysis include:

  • Find competitors' best keywords
  • Discover new organic competitors
  • Find competitors' strategies and budgets
  • Analyze competitors' ad copy, keywords, and display ads
  • Find new competitors in AdWords and Bing ads
  • Discover the best-performing product or service listing ads of competitors

There are three price plans available - Pro, Guru, and Business. Each offers a different level of features, depending on what you're business needs. 

9. SpyFu

Originally named GoogSpy, SpyFu is a search analytics tool that shows users keywords that websites buy on Google AdWords. That means you can identify all the keywords that your competitors have bought, and every ad test they've run.

It also reveals the keywords that they're ranking for. You can then trace back and find the content and backlinks that are bringing them this ranking. Use this data to see how your competitors' backlinks are working, then hunt them down for your website. 

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SpyFu reveals the search marketing strategies of your competitors.

SpyFu gets this data by web scraping, and refreshing its data every month. This gives you an overview of what's happening with larger trends in SEM and SEO.

This competitor analysis tool finds your most relevant keywords, plus core and niche keywords that your competitors use.

Get inspiration from their choices, and avoid their pitfalls.

10. Owletter

This competitive analysis tool captures, stores, and analyzes emails sent from a website. It means you can monitor your competitors’ email and discover what's working for them, and what's not. 

Using Owletter gives you access to many insights, including:

  • Whether your competitors have a spam reputation
  • If they follow a schedule for sending email
  • If they change their schedules according to the season
  • Trending topics
  • Undiscovered opportunities
  • And more

Owletter takes a screenshot of the email you receive - you just need to be on your competitors’ mailing lists. It can store it, analyze it, and alert you if the system thinks there are important insights.

There's a 30-day free trial and if you decide to sign up, you only pay for what you want.

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Monitor your competitors' email marketing newsletters.

11. SimilarWeb

This competitive analysis tool helps you benchmark against your competition and monitor your industry. To reveal your competitors’ analytics and online strategy.

This tool can help you discover potential opportunities – partners or leads. Help you identify emerging trends, and even explain consumer intent and journey. SimilarWeb collects raw data, cleans and organizes it, finalizing the statistics that you need, and delivering them to you.

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Competitive intelligence tool providing customer and competitor insights.

12. Followerwonk by Moz

With Followerwonk, you can optimize your Twitter accounts to boost social growth. It finds, analyzes, and optimizes your social growth by digging deeper into Twitter analytics / X analytics.

  • Find and connect with new influencers within your niche.
  • Use super-actionable visualizations to compare your social graphs to your competitors.
  • Easily share your reports with your company to get everyone on the same page.

Followerwonk lets you analyze any Twitter account - I'm talking competitors - so you can optimize your Twitter marketing strategy. You can compare your Twitter followers with two other Twitter accounts' followers. You can also compare who you follow, with other accounts - including competitors.

Competitor analysis tools - FollowerWonk screenshot

Compare your social graph with competitors, consumers, and industry leaders.

  • Find and connect with new influencers within your niche.
  • Use super-actionable visualizations to compare your social graphs with those of your competitors.
  • Easily share your reports throughout your company so everyone's on the same page.

13. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a powerful SEO tool with features that include:

  • Backlink audit - get the data you need about your existing link profile
  • Find link prospects - monitor your competitors' links, and grab for your site
  • Validate keywords and analyze competitors
  • Keyword research - find keywords and content ideas
  • Track individual keywords
  • Track organic visibility - leverage total organic keywords
  • Brand management - set up alerts for keywords for relationship building and brand management

Learn why your competitors rank so high and how to outrank them. You’ll see the exact keywords your competitors are ranking for and how much traffic this brings them.

You’ll have a clear picture of your competitors’ content, to see what’s working and what you’re missing.

With relevant keywords, and backlink data from 4 billion web pages, Ahrefs brings you the best of the best. 

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Competitor research tool and SEO backlink checker.

14. Majestic

Majestic surveys and maps out the Internet to create the world’s largest commercial Link Intelligence database.

It means you'll get a detailed analysis of external links and anchor text used by your competitors. You can analyze backlinks and domain link counts so you can see what competitors are doing to track performance.

It means you'll have a deeper understanding of search ranking. Understanding your own link profiles, and empowering your data by monitoring your competitors’ websites and their search engine positioning.

Majestic scrapes their data from the internet and instead of searching with meta-searches, it acts as a search engine. It's developed software capable of crawling immense amounts of data.

Competitor analysis tools - Majestic screenshot

Link intelligence tool for SEO, PR, marketing, and competitor analysis.

15. Serpstat

Serpstat is an all-in-one SEO platform that analyzes your website and those of your competitors.

Search for your competitors’ keywords, analyze their pages and backlink strategy, and monitor their positions in SERPs.

Features include:

  • Keyword research – compare keywords, find semantic variations, identify long-tail keywords
  • Search analytics – track domain and keyword rankings, find which posts generate the most traffic
  • Content marketing ideation – compare your content to better target your industry
  • Competitor research – position your business against the competition
  • Market intelligence – monitor industry leaders to improve your SEO and PPC efforts
  • Backlink analysis – track competitors’ backlinks, score referring domains

This growth hacking tool offers a free trial, but queries are limited. Paid plans offer more data opportunities.


Competitor analysis tools - Serpstat screenshot

Keyword research, backlink analysis, competitive analysis tool.

16. Netpeak Checker

Netpeak Checker is a desktop tool for SERP scraping and data aggregation. Allowing you to analyze and compare websites in bulk.

Designed for bulk SEO analysis, you can research website backlink profiles, and evaluate the SEO of your competitors.

You can check:

  • Check 1,200+ parameters of URLs. 
  • Compare URLs by parameters of well-known services: Ahrefs, Moz, Serpstat, Majestic, SEMrush, etc. 
  • Examine on-page SEO factors to optimize your website for search engines. 
  • Review domain age, expiration date, and availability for the purchase. 
  • Analyze competitors’ social media performance.

This research tool for bulk SEO analysis offers 14-day free trial.

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Netpeak Checker analyzes websites in bulk

Keep an eye on the competition – it’s an essential business practice

To stay ahead of the game, keep a close eye on your competition, even indirect competitors. Learning from your competitors can seem hard. But with the right competitor analysis tools, it's easy.

To learn how Talkwalker Social Listening can help you track competitors, click below.


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