Talkwalker Blog

Winning with Gen Z Hispanics on Social: Insights from Industry Experts

Written by Talkwalker | November 16, 2023

Recently, Talkwalker joined a team of experts to discuss how to navigate social media marketing for Gen Z Hispanics. You can rewatch the webinar below, or read on to find some of the key insights from the session.

Winning with Gen Z Hispanics on Social

The webinar was hosted by TelevisaUnivision, the world’s leading Spanish-language content and media company.

Host: Leslie Koch, VP of Social Media

Guest: Jocelyn Cruz, Multicultural Marketing at Paramount Pictures

Guest: Jay Torres, Content Creator.

Guest: Cara Buscaglia, Talkwalker’s Chief Innovation and Insights Officer

Why is this demographic so valuable for brands? In the US, “the Hispanic community is America's growth engine” with 25% of Gen Z identifying as Hispanic. This demographic spends more time on social and are more actively engaged with shopping on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

TelevisaUnivision, with a massive 73 million social media followers, strives to foster a strong connection with its audience.

How do you build an audience connection?

Jocelyn points out that understanding your audience language is key, and that doesn’t always mean communicating in Spanish. Using ‘Spanglish’ or the key words used within the Hispanic community helps represent Latinos authentically.

An example of this was the content created for the launch of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Partnering with Jay, his promotional content was only in Spanish or Spanglish, and 56% of comments around it expressed love.

“Figure out what is really going to authentically resonate not only with myself but what would resonate for my grandma or my mom or my tio or my primo.”

Jocelyn Cruz

It's important to know your audience and what section of the audience or segment that you're going after and really tailoring your communication.

Jay also says audience engagement is very much down to emotion.

“When it comes to emotion it is everything when creating content. Originality is ikey when it comes to this and and what a better way to be original than showing your emotions within the content.”

Jay Torres

Genuine emotion is critical for authentic connections.

The love of content

This authentic community engagement pays off.

“We see that our audience expresses 7% more emotions reacting to our social media content and 37% more pride when reacting to TU content versus content from other media publishers.”

Leslie Koch

To gather these results, Talkwalker analyzed over 27,000 comments to help benchmark TelevisaUnivision against its competitors. By creating 8 custom emotional models, by including different components like emojis, keywords, and themes, we helped identify the emotional connection within the TU audience.

Final Advice for Marketers

Rounding up, to connect with Gen Z Hispanics,

  • Be authentic and understand the diversity within the Hispanic community,
  • Leverage social listening and analytics for deeper insights,
  • Embrace emotional connections in campaigns for greater impact.

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