Bruce Hoang: How the pandemic changed consumer behavior

"All brands have suffered from the pandemic," says Bruce Hoang. But there's still a huge opportunity to recover. We took the chance to chat with Bruce at our recent Dare to accelerate event, to see what Orange are doing on the road to recovery.


"All brands have suffered from the pandemic. The customer experience has changed a lot. People don’t go to stores like they used to do before the pandemic. They look for different things on the internet, discuss many things.

In France, we observed 60% increased usage of social networks. So that has changed a lot the customer experience in-store, and before going into the store.

So, I think that for brands, one of the challenges is to set up different kinds of KPIs, what I call key performance indicators.

The existing KPIs we know are the sales. This is what I call the slow KPI, the sales, the business on a monthly basis. Now what we need to include is a day-to-day KPI, what I call the real-time, fast KPI, which is trying to observe and to listen to what people say on social networks about what they prefer or not, and this fast KPI is managed through listening tools and through real-time data, different types of data, to increase our visibility and to increase the positive aspect of discussion of our brand.

As a big organization, we need to embark in all directions, all departments, the marketing department, the client service department, communication department, the customer experience department, the finance department, to make sure that we take into account the Google ecosystem and the social networks ecosystem.

We need to work with the algorithm, we need to send signals to the algorithm, to make sure that our brand is visible, so people, when they look for information, they get the right information naturally.

That’s what I call e-reputation. E-reputation needs to be shared across the organization in a horizontal way, so that every sponsor or department is aligned to make sure that we are visible and that our brand is discussed in a positive way."


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