Podcast Monitoring: A new way to gather insights

Podcast Monitoring: A new way to gather insights


Since the beginning of the Talkwalker adventure, we’ve given brands access to all the conversations that matter. Our media monitoring started with text analytics, and later moved into image and video recognition. Given the rise in popularity of podcasts and other audio-based channels, Speech Analytics was the logical next step.

As a major source of news and entertainment, podcasts hold extensive conversations that brands cannot ignore. Perfect for capturing the voice of the customer. Here are four ways in which Podcast Monitoring can become a part of your holistic social listening strategy.

1. Brand monitoring - Extract hidden mentions of your brand

Brands need full visibility of what consumers say to prepare their future communication and campaigns. Podcast Monitoring gives companies access to a new realm of conversations from which they can gather insights. To help them protect their brand and drive more revenue.

It’s no longer necessary to try to guess what podcasts might discuss your industry at length, or wait for any organic brand mentions. You can use Podcast Monitoring to get insights from a variety of podcasts in a few seconds. Instead of listening to hundreds of hours of audio.

Even though the news about Verizon spiked in February, we found a noteworthy podcast commenting on the news weeks after.

News about Verizon spiked in February, and we found a noteworthy podcast commenting on the news weeks later.

Let’s look at recent mentions of the telecoms brand Verizon as an example. At the end of February, several news sources reported on American investor Warren Buffett buying shares of Verizon. In this case, the spike fell quickly. But brands must still closely monitor the topic over time in case the news resurfaces and requires a response.

Through Podcast Monitoring, we found later key mentions of Verizon stock resurface in The Tape, a Bloomberg podcast. We listened to the specific section mentioning Verizon directly on our platform, and the analysis was positive. It mentioned their stock was a great opportunity given their heavy US 5G network investments.

With Podcast Monitoring we found that Bloomberg discussed Verizon weeks after the news spiked.

With Podcast Media Monitoring we found that Bloomberg discussed Verizon weeks after the news spiked.

Key takeaway: As a brand, it’s crucial to detect when experts or influencers are talking about you. Monitor how consumers perceive your brand by tapping into unscripted conversations such as podcasts.

Given Bloomberg’s wide audience, this mention likely impacted investors’ behavior towards Verizon’s stock. The ability to find hidden mentions allows brands to react appropriately. They can share the story across channels, and potentially create a campaign around the advancements of its 5G network.

2. Influencer detection - Discover new influencers for your brand and products

Having access to the vast world of podcasts helps you expand your current network of influencers. It finds find podcast hosts who are already interested in your content and talking about it organically. This is a way for you to tap into niche audiences that were previously out of your reach.

Searching for your brand and competitors is the fastest way to finding market opportunities. We dived into video games, checking Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox. They’re all discussed evenly across multiple podcasts. 

The share of voice of Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox has been pretty much divided equally in podcasts.

The share of voice of Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox has been pretty much divided equally in podcasts. 

Diving a bit deeper into Nintendo, we saw a recurrent podcast coming up, Nintendo Switch Craft. This specific program focuses on everything related to the Switch console and its different games. Looking at one of the episodes, we saw the different moments that directly mentioned the brand.

With Podcast Monitoring, it's possible to see the precise moments where your topic of interest gets mentioned within a podcast.

With Podcast Monitoring, see the precise moment of mentions for your topic of interest.

This podcast has more than 600 episodes, and all revolve around one brand. For Nintendo, monitoring what consumers say about new releases and games is useful. This will provide a clearer picture of what an influencer could say, and how their followers might respond.

Below we gathered the main reactions to Nintendo Switch Craft’s content for a 30-day period. While mostly positive, the brand could also get podcast insights on what to improve for future releases.

The main reactions around Nintendo Switch Craft’s content were varied, especially given the wide range of games and updates covered.

The main reactions around Nintendo Switch Craft’s content were varied, given the wide range of games and updates covered.

Key takeaway: Hearing what influential people are saying about your brand helps you understand niche audiences. Doing this exercise on podcasts is key for companies like Nintendo to get insights from unscripted conversations. 

3. Trend research - Leverage Podcast Monitoring at scale to find new market opportunities

In today’s dynamic world, it’s key to move swiftly, find insights, and act before it is too late. With Podcast Monitoring, brands can filter through results and focus on what’s relevant for them.

In an industry like finance, innovation is key to stay at the forefront of your competitors. Podcasts help you understand where conversations are going, and what topics are more prevalent. Below, you can find the number of podcasts within a 7-day period that mentioned finance. And the number of podcasts that specifically discussed innovation in finance. 

Even though many podcasts discuss finance, a smaller amount focuses on innovation within the industry.

Even though many podcasts discuss finance, a smaller amount focuses on innovation within the industry.

Reducing the overall number of podcasts to monitor makes it possible to analyze only relevant content. Helping you find insights related to a specific campaign or decision.

After narrowing down the total results, we looked into discussions of the top themes. Cryptocurrencies, AI, and cloud services were at the forefront of the conversations. 

From podcasts discussing innovation in finance, we saw that cryptos, AI, and cloud services were the most noteworthy topics.

From podcasts discussing innovation in finance, we saw that cryptos, AI, and cloud services were the most noteworthy topics.

Key takeaway: Monitoring discovery sites like Apple Podcasts helps you know what experts say, and what consumers listen to. Digging deeper into these topics can help you find your competitor’s latest AI advancements. Or give you the groundwork to develop a new way to adopt cryptocurrencies into your platform.

4. Campaign measurement and optimization - 360° media monitoring across text, image, video, and audio

Including Podcast Monitoring in your projects completes your coverage of brand conversations across platforms and media types. Combining the different features in Talkwalker enables insights directly from customers. To stay ahead of your competition.

At the beginning of 2021, Beyond Meat launched its new sausages in Walmart stores across the United States. As you can see below, this explains the large volume of mentions that this brand has versus its competitors. 

Combining these two visuals gives us a view into the total conversations around the plant-based alternatives, and also the share of voice among its players.

These two visuals show the total conversations around plant-based alternatives and the share of voice among its players.

Looking into what people said across social media, they were talking positively about -

  • Vegan cheese
  • The taste of plant-based meats
  • Vegan burgers overall

On the other hand, terms that included the words synthetic or fake were driving negative conversations. An interesting insight for Beyond Meat is that their new product did not come up in written conversations.

With sentiment analysis, we found that terms like vegan meat and vegan cheese led the positive sentiment within the topic of plant-based alternatives.

With sentiment analysis, we found terms like vegan meat and vegan cheese were most positive in plant-based alternatives.

Using visual recognition to find plant-based alternatives in images, people shared Beyond Meat’s products and logo more. This shows that shared brand images drove more mentions and not comments about the sausages.

Our visual recognition technology allowed us to find that Beyond Meat images took a large share amongst the most engaging posts.

Our visual recognition technology found Beyond Meat images took a large share of the most engaging posts.

With Beyond Meat venturing into plant-based sausages, we also wanted to look at what other players were doing. That’s where Podcast Monitoring came in handy.

Analyzing podcast conversations, we discovered a growing competitor, Eat Just. A brand that’s venturing into plant-based poultry alternatives.

Their share of voice is small. But as other players continue to focus on meat substitutes, their unusual products could gain them greater market share. 

This podcast from the BBC discussed plant-based alternatives and focused on lab-grown chickens as the next innovation.

This podcast from the BBC discussed plant-based alternatives and focused on lab-grown chickens as the next innovation.

Key takeaway: For 2021, brands will need to reconcile data and insights from all sources to tap into the voice of the customer. With Talkwalker’s Podcast Monitoring, you’ll find hidden mentions of your brand, discover market opportunities, and find influencers.

What else is new on the Talkwalker enterprise listening platform? 

Better workflows with new integration into enterprise communication platforms

We’ve integrated our platform with Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Chat. So you can share reports and alerts directly. This fosters collaboration across teams and breaks down the data silos in organizations. 

Better accessibility with Talkwalker’s mobile app

We’ve launched an application for Android and iOS. Through the app, you can -

  • Get notifications on any new reports or alerts
  • Access your dashboards
  • Have all the insights you need at your fingertips regardless of where you are

Better coverage with new data sources

The digital landscape constantly evolves. Brands need a unified platform to analyze their customer and consumer data. You can now access reviews from Google Play Store Apps in Channel Analytics. As well as embed Google Trends into your different dashboards, and much, much more! 



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