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  • Ultimate list of Instagram influencers in Indonesia per industry

Ultimate list of Instagram influencers in Indonesia per industry

From shopping online to browsing social media platforms, Indonesians have fully embraced the digital world. In 2019, Indonesia officially ranked in the top 5 when it comes to time per day spent using the Internet. Well above the worldwide average of 6 hours and 42 minutes.

Globally, Instagram penetration is still on the rise. However, what’s even more interesting to note is that 89% of Instagram users are outside the US, with Brazil, India and Indonesia in the top list. With 80% of Internet users in Indonesia reportedly using Instagram, it will not come as a surprise if the platform overtakes Facebook (81%) sometime soon.

Source: Digital 2019 Indonesia

Source: Digital 2019 Indonesia



So, why is Instagram more popular than Facebook in Indonesia? According to Sri Widowati, Instagram country director for Indonesia, this is primarily because Instagram is a platform designed for storytelling, which fits well with the Indonesian audience.

“For the people of Indonesia, sharing an important moment is part of the culture, so it is no wonder Indonesia has become one of the largest Instagram Story content producers.” Source: Culturetrip

Therefore, brands that are hoping to gain traction in Indonesia need an effective Instagram marketing strategy. In general, a social media marketing strategy plays a critical role in increasing your brand awareness, and the more you can optimize your strategy according to the platform, the greater the impact will be on your social media success.

Instagram influencer marketing

A huge aspect of your social media marketing depends on the content you put out there. Did you know that social posts containing videos get about 38% more engagement than image posts?

However, just creating engaging content is no longer enough to cut through the noise. Consumers are responding less and less to branded ads. There’s been a fundamental shift to authenticity over the past few years. Your customers listen more to what fellow customers say about your brand than what marketers say. This is where influencers can play a significant role in helping build that authentic connection between your brand and your audience.

●     Fashion Influencers

●     Beauty Influencers

●     Food Influencers

●     Travel Influencers

●     Lifestyle Influencers

Deciding which influencers are right for your brand

Here are 3 W’s to keep in mind as you get started with influencer marketing:

WHAT story do you want to share?

Your brand is more than just your product specs and functionalities. People want to hear stories. Stories are what drive emotions and 95% of purchase decisions are driven by some form of emotion.

Make sure your story can truly capture brand values. When looking for influencers to collaborate with, it is also important that they are in alignment with your brand values. The most credible influencers are the ones that are authentic with their followers and will only represent brands they truly believe in.

“Brands only collaborate with influencers that are a good fit for them, and influencers should be selective when it comes to working with brands. It should match their account and fit their audience the most. This way, the collaboration will be genuine and not forced.

For example, I am very picky about what brands I work with because I want to make sure my community knows I'm authentic. I have to say no to many opportunities, because it doesn't align with my brand. I only work with brands I truly love, and I wouldn't work with a brand just for money. You have to keep your feed real and make this your priority (instead of money) because the trust of your followers is important. Brand synergy is essential to maintaining quality posts and an authentic relationship with your followers." - Benny Jurdi @bennyjurdi

WHO do you want to connect with?

Every marketer knows that a marketing strategy starts with a target persona. This is equally as important as you build your brand’s social media presence and community. Your target audience if you’re marketing beauty products will be different to that if you are selling gadgets. Same goes with your influencers. A beauty influencer will likely not be as credible promoting gadgets to beauty enthusiasts. The more focused your target audience is, the more effective your content will be.

“Lippielust is a very niche Instagram account, and that's what we want to achieve: when you think about lipsticks, you'll go check Lippielust. My account is basically all about swatches showcase and lipstick knowledge for 'Lippielusters' (people who loves lipstick). People find Lippielust as their 'lipstick bible' or maybe even a 'digital exhibition' for lipsticks.

When it comes to collaborating with brands, we prefer project-based collaboration, meaning we create lipstick swatches for their digital catalogue. We rarely do collaboration outside lipstick, even when we do, we make sure we create meaningful content for our audience and the brand itself.” - Rissa @lippielust

WHICH actions do you want to drive?

Every marketing initiative is driven by a goal. Especially now that Instagram is slowly getting rid of the “likes”, it’s no longer enough to simply look at engagement to gauge Instagram success. What does being successful in Instagram look like anyway? Is it for your brand to generate positive sentiment? Perhaps to boost share-of-voice? Or to drive website traffic or purchases?

Read more about finding the best Instagram influencers for your brand. In the meantime, if you’re looking for influencers to collaborate with, here’s the ultimate list of Instagram influencers in Indonesia (with >10k to 1 million followers) per industry. Check out which influencers that made it to the list!

Fashion Instagram influencers in Indonesia

Alika Islamadina @alikaislamadina 505k followers

Anastasia Siantar @anazsianta 420k followers

Ayla Dimitri @ayladimitri 308k followers

Olivia Lazuardy @olivialazuardy 297k followers

Sonia Eryka @soniaeryka 199k followers

Elxi Elvina @elxielvina 134k followers

Cindy Karmoko @cindykarmoko 79.8k followers

Lucky Oetama @luckyoetama 74.3k followers

Evita Nuh @nuhevita 74.1k followers

Michelle Koesnadi @mkoesnadi 51.5k followers

Beauty Instagram influencers in Indonesia

Rachel Goddard @rachgoddard 896k followers

Abel Cantika @abellyc 823k followers

Marcella Febrianne Hadikusumo @cindercella 705k followers

Sarah Ayu @sarahayuh_ 668k followers

Tyna Kanna Mirdad @tynakannamirdad 436k followers

Linda Kayhz @lindakayhz 218k followers

Patricia Devina Dextra @pattdevdex 211k followers

Michelle Pangemanan @michellepangemanan 183k followers

Ririe Prameswari @ririeprams 140k followers

Sara Robert @sararobert 131k followers

Rissa @lippielust 116k followers


Food Instagram influencers in Indonesia

Julia Veronica & Marius Tjenderasa @anakjajan 357k followers

Hans Danials @eatandtreats 253k followers

Jiewa Vieri @inijie 97.9k followers

Mullie Marline @myfunfoodiary 88.2k followers

dr. Verdi D. @filipusverdi 52.5k followers

Travel Instagram influencers in Indonesia

Christina Tan @sassychris1 560k followers

Febrian @_febrian 126k followers

Marischka Prudence @marischkaprue 112k followers

Benny Judi @bennyjurdi 73.2k followers

Andre Binarto @andrebinarto 38.9k followers

Wira Nurmansyah @wiranurmansyah 19.9k followers

Sutiknyo @lostpacker 19.7k followers

Yudistira @yudistiraphoto 19.5k followers

Lifestyle Instagram influencers in Indonesia

Nabila Tarmuzi Alaydrus @nabilazirus 665k followers

Titan Tyra @titantyra 406k followers

Stefany Talita Visa @stefanytalita 294k followers

Maria Rahajeng @mariarahajeng 140k followers

Sasyachi @sasyachi 97.7k followers

Emily Jaury @emilyjaury 62.6k followers

Noi Aswari @noiaswari 57.7k followers

Amelia Bunjamin @ameliabunjamin 34.3k followers

Muhammad Arif Rahman @arievrahman 25.1k followers

Samantha Wijaya @sjwijaya 13.8k followers


The ultimate list of Instagram influencers in Indonesia


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