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  • Nescafé Dolce Gusto: Building and measuring brand awareness with social media listening

Nescafé Dolce Gusto: Building and measuring brand awareness with social media listening

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  • Challenge - becoming truly customer-centric
  • Solution - building brand awareness
  • Result - hard-sell to customer-centric

Becoming truly customer-centric

Nescafé Dolce Gusto partnered with Lion & Lion to create a social content strategy with the aim of creating brand awareness. Driving engagement and follower growth for the brand locally. Working with Talkwalker, a leading social media listening company, we identified data and insights to better inform our content calendar. Thereby, crafting a brew that would increase brand awareness in Malaysia.

Within three months, Nescafé Dolce Gusto has had great success, with beautiful content that clearly  expresses the brand. The crema of the cup? Since deploying their new content strategy, Nescafé Dolce Gusto has quadrupled the previous quarter’s Instagram engagement. Increased Instagram fans by 5x, and increased brand mentions by 8x. 

Here’s how we used Talkwalker’s social media listening platform to help Nescafé Dolce Gusto reimagine their social media strategy and brand messages in Malaysia.

Building brand awareness

Identify consumer passion points & create a fan centric brand on social

Recognizing what #CoffeeLovers share online was an integral part of  developing the Nescafé Dolce Gusto social media strategy. Using Talkwalker’s social media listening, we were able to find the hashtags and keywords most used in association with coffee-related keywords in Malaysia.

With this data we are able to better understand coffee lovers and our fans in Malaysia: who they are, what they are saying, when they talk about coffee and the brand, where they talk, and why.

Nescafe coffee word cloud - brand awareness

Top themes linked to coffee lovers on social gave Nescafé Dolce Gusto new ideas for its content strategy.

Brand awareness - results from Talkwalker social listening

Reach vs engagement across major online channels over the last six months.

Locate local tastemakers & gain aspirational insights

With social media listening, we were able to identify an active Instagram community of tastemakers in Malaysia who’s #cafehop flatlays garnered the highest share of engagement for coffee-related content on social media.

This allowed us to benchmark the brand not only with its closest competitors, but also to gain aspirational insights. What was the highest engaging content within the coffee category?  What similarities and differences could we compare with our current strategy?

These insights better informed us of the imagery that resonates with fans: coffee flatlays, café settings, and hipster aesthetics. This research would serve as a foundation for building the brand’s visual strategy on social media in Malaysia. Encouraging high levels of brand awareness.

Example of a coffee flatlay on Instagram that provided part of the inspiration for Nescafé strategy.

Use insights to create #InstaLove & increase brand awareness

With the help of Talkwalker’s social media listening data, it became clear:  coffee is many things to coffee lovers. It can be calming, fun, exploratory, surprising, indulgent, and even inspirational. This gave us a major insight – coffee is so much more than a beverage. It can be the centerpiece to a beautiful Sunday morning breakfast, comfort and warmth at hand during good conversation, an exploratory surprise when experimenting with new flavors.

With this in mind, we were better able to craft the social imagery of Nescafé Dolce Gusto, and thereby align the brand as fully representing (almost literally) the modern art of coffee through inspirational, insta-worthy visuals.

Nescafe previous content strategy - brand awareness

Nescafé Dolce Gusto’s social content strategy before they incorporated insights from social listening.

Nescafe new content strategy - brand awareness

Nescafé Dolce Gusto’s social content strategy transformed when social data became the driving force, creating a surge in brand awareness.

Leverage user-generated content in your content marketing

According to the latest Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising report, 92% of consumers trust online content from friends and family above all other forms of brand messages, 50% of consumers find user-generated content more memorable than brand-produced content, and 53% of millennials say that user-generated content has influenced their purchase decisions. 

Through social media listening, we learned that the sharing of coffee photos was not limited to #cafehop enthusiasts; the love of sharing coffee photos online was also a trend amongst a growing Nescafé Dolce Gusto fan community in Malaysia. With these insights in mind, the brand decided to incorporate UGC as a central part of their content marketing strategy, thus giving recognition and a voice to their fans, while strengthening their earned media presence online and brand awareness.

Nescafe user-generated content - brand awareness

Curated user-generated content helped Nescafé Dolce Gusto give their fans a voice.

Use social listening to find data & personalize social media messaging

Through social media listening, we were able to deduce fans were, in many ways, attempting to re-create the café experience at home. Data showed that Nescafé Dolce Gusto lovers were exploratory in the kitchen, often taking advantage of owning home brewing equipment to craft their own coffee creations, results that they were actively and happily sharing on social media. 

We thus aligned our content strategy to include tips and inspiration to better assist the at-home barista, thereby transporting Nescafé Dolce Gusto lovers to their favorite coffee shop right from their kitchen, through social media. 


Social media listening helped to ensure content strategy was aligned with topics coffee lovers cared about.

Hard-sell to customer-centric

Overall, the insights derived from social media listening contributed to a more informed, fan-centric content strategy.  Nescafé Dolce Gusto’s social presence transformed and increased brand awareness with fans online, whether through inspiring visuals, creative content, or activities to encourage user-generated content. 

Since revamping their social media strategy, Nescafé Dolce Gusto has increased Instagram fans by 5x, increased brand mentions by 8x, increased branded searches on Google, and has quadrupled their Facebook engagement rate.  With Talkwalker, the brand has also gained insights on their content marketing performance, which has helped develop brand strategy. For example, through social media listening, the brand discovered curated user-generated content performs best with +5% higher engagement than branded content, an insight that has been significant in driving more fan activations and influencer strategies for the brand.

"To say we are pleased is an understatement.  The insights from social listening have allowed for a more thorough understanding of our customer - who they are, what their passionate about, and where key conversations are taking place - all of which have been integral in informing our social media strategy,"
Cyndi Chin, Senior Brand Manager of Nescafé


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